Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Hi lovelies!!

I recently posted about my hair trials and tribulations, and the drive to "makeover" my hair.  Well,  as I am sure you have noticed there have been a few changes around here too!  This may be a minor, short-lived ongoing process as I settle into a new name (coming soon!) and a new topical theme.  Though AOA served me well for awhile, I felt it somewhat of an obligation to fulfill the theme I had set for it.  The theme, though a very large part of me (planning, organizing, and events) felt much to contrived to really connect with readers the way I wanted to.  So going forward, this blog will be full of things I find inspirational and that I hope you find inspirational too!!

I am going to try my hardest to not make this a mommy blog, no offense to mommy blogs, I just think there are plenty of spectacular mommy blogs out there that are far better than one I could do!  However, there will be some baby/child related things, I plan on publishing helpful and inspiring tips/tricks and ramblings!

If there is a topic you would like to see me cover, please feel free to post in the comments section of any past or current posts, or e-mail me at jrude88{@}gmail{.}com with the title Blog Topic Idea.

I hope you will enjoy me on this exciting ride!



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