Thursday, July 12, 2012

a little bit about me.

Hi lovelies!!

I realized I rejuvenated this blog and some of you dear visitors may not understand the concept or "know me."

Here is a little background.  I am a 24-year old, soon-to-be momma, recent college graduate looking for a job/career in my field.  I graduated in December with a B.S. in Health Services Management, which honestly just means Health Administration.  Throughout my last year of school I had started a very small business, which some of you may remember.  {This business is no longer in existence but I am still able to perform a lot of the duties that came with it.}  Leading up to graduation, I had two jobs and a full school load.  What can I say, I like to be busy, busy, busy.  Upon graduating I had shifted one job to another but still maintained my part-time work with a well known preppy brand (I loved that job. So much fun!)  In mid-January I became pregnant, but didn't know until late February, after I had the amazing opportunity to work downtown at a quaint bar during Super Bowl.  (Sadly, the Indianapolis Colts were not even close to having a team healthy enough, or good enough, to play.)  After leaving this job shortly after Super bowl, I found out I was pregnant.  Let me tell you, so many things were going on in my life and in my mind at that time!  I had just moved back in with my parents.  And that alone was a fairly difficult transition after living on my own and in my own way.  I had just left the job I loved of two years, for a hopefully more open growth experience.  I was also fresh out of an interesting relationship.  SO here I was trying to cope with these fairly big things and some minor ones, when BAM! I found out I was pregnant.

Since then I have moved with my father across the country, "back home", to Oregon.  We now live in central Oregon, and it is so nice!  I found a great job quickly and have started to set up base here.  However, it hasn't been without struggle!! The first weeks here were very difficult, because I felt alone and was going through an emotionally difficult time with my pregnancy.  {This is very personal, so please if you have comments make the constructive or, kindly, keep them to yourself.}  The baby's father and I are not amicable at all currently, though I made efforts in the beginning, the relationship quickly soured.  Now we each have our own personal side to the story and I respect that maybe he was doing his best, just not in the best way.  There are a lot of personal details I will leave out simply because it does not paint the other person in the best light, and because he is not a part of my life or this blog he does not have the opportunity to defend himself or explain his actions, therefore aside from saying he is not involved, nothing more will be spoken of him.

As you can imagine, moving is a difficult process to begin with.  Moving while pregnant even more so.  So many emotions are amplified, as are the things you can't help with like lifting and carrying.  I am a helper, and a people pleaser, so for me it was emotionally difficult to not help (even though we had movers).  Then came the struggle of being, seemingly alone, in a new state and new place.  My family is from Oregon but they all live in Portland or the "college region", which spans Corvallis to Eugene.  I live in Central Oregon about 2-3 East of all of them.  So being near, but not next to a support system was hard.  My dad has been awesome throughout this ENTIRE thing, but my mom is still in Indiana.  For all of our hard times, it is difficult not having your mom near you when you are on the roller coaster ride of pregnancy.  We talk frequently, but it is not the same as having her here.  It has also been hard adapting to being a single mom.  To all single moms out there, you are the strongest, bravest women on this planet and you can truly do anything!!!

Being in Oregon has had its fair share of ups & downs, but I will never regret moving "home" ever.  I am still friends with the women that are my true friends, and no matter where we live that will never change.  I am finally getting really settled here and in my own life.  And it has been truly amazing.

Revamping this blog recently has definitely helped.  It has helped me focus on things that are truly fun for me to write about and create.  This will not become a mommy blog, but a blog of things that inspire me to create and be better.  This is my fun time and my fun space!  I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!


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