Monday, March 14, 2011

So Fly!

I do not recall where I heard of Fly Lady, but I heard about it!!!  They have a great starter program, Beginner Baby Steps.  (Free of charge).  Below I have compiled my favorite tips & tricks from Fly Lady.  I hope these help you organize and sort chores and activities the way they helped me!!!

I am already hyper-organizational, but this definitely refined these skills.

This is simply making sure your sink is clear and dry when you are finished with it after:
                 *your morning wake-up/beauty routine
                 *breakfast/lunch prep
                 *dinner/dessert prep
                 *evening cleansing routine
by doing this you come home to a clean bathroom and a clean kitchen sink.
You will be amazed at how much stress this relieves!

Second: Get Dressed all the way
*This is a variation of their Get Dressed Up to Lace Up Shoes
This will allow you to be ready for the day no matter what is thrown your way.  I say get dressed all the way because I do not like walking around the house in my shoes.  (This saves on vacuuming time later and keeps floors looking nicer longer!)  
Set out what you would like to wear the next day before you go to bed at night, after you shine your sink and you will be time ahead in the morning.  I also do this with my meals up to dinner the evening before.  It makes for less hassle and less stress in the morning.  I find morning to be hectic as it is, so why not make it easier and less hectic?!
Write reminders down that help you stay on task!  I am by nature a list maker.  I constantly have a minimum of three, yes THREE, notepads on my desk.  They all vary in size according to the length of list needed.  I also, place post-its around that are tasks I need to do or little inspirations.  But I am careful as to not let them clutter!  If I have looked at something for more than about a week or two, I take it down and refresh it!
For me this may mean putting laundry away (my absolute least favorite chore) or wandering the house and tidying a little at a time.  It could also mean organizing for later in the day or for the next day.  But make it something that works for you!!

There are 30 total of these little tips.  These 5 are my standbys.  I will post 5 a week until I have posted all the ones I think are relevant! But all these links are linked to a point on the Fly Lady website!  That means you can view all of the tips/tricks at anytime and determine which are your favorites.


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