Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Update & Return soon!

Hi there lovelies!

Boy oh boy have I certainly missed blogging! The past few months have been absolutely insane!  I graduated in December.  While I was wrapping up school, I was working a full-time AND a part-time job and trying to keep AOA above water!  Sadly, AOA got the short end of the stick in the job graduation hoopla. :(  Also, in December, I had the amazing opportunity to be part of a newer bar in Downtown Indy and work there during Super Bowl! Let me just tell you how incredible that was! And time consuming!  Shortly after Super Bowl, I left that job.  Chaos! Let me tell you!  And then again shortly after leaving that job, I found out I am pregnant! Woohoo. All at once so many life changes.  And just a month ago, I moved, with my family to Central Oregon.  So far, 2012 is proving to be a rollercoaster!  But such is life, right?!

So with all of that being said, I am trying to find away to focus (and balance) my business, business plan, and new life!  So please bear with me during these exciting, exciting changes!

